Conducted on:
The World Of TITAN, Calicut, Kerala. (Gift sponsor)
(Locate the world of titan in official TITAN sie)
In the programme planning for the events of MYC ,for months of july and august, two program committee groups came up with the suggestion of a chess competition which was selected by the quality control team of MYC. Thus a 'CHESS HALL OF FAME' was proposed to conduct under MYC in MES CE.
In 5/06/10(monday) all department students were informed of the chess competition through a official notice approved by the principal. For the dates of 05, 06/07/10(monday , tuesday) registration for 50 students were opened, with a registration fee of Rs.15 for members and Rs.25 for non-members of MYC in MES CE. 50 people registered for the first day itself and registration was closed.
Event was proposed to be conducted at evening after college hours frm 4:40pm to 6:00pm. Days for the program were so selected from working days of college that friday was excluded due to lack of participation of hostelers on that day. The event dates were selected as 7,8,12,13,14,15 of JULY.
About the game, each contestant will have 6 games. A win in a game is met with 1 point and a loss in a game is met with 0 point, .5 points in the case of walk over or draw. Based on the points in the first 5 games contestants for HALL OF FAME of 10 positions will be selected, 10 players each playing for respective positions in the HALL OF FAME based on their points.
For the first day an inaugral session was planned to conduct with PRINCIPAL and CAMPUS MANAGER as chief guests. The auditorium was set-up for the event. Chess boardsfor the event werellected among students and remaining were brought with registration fee collected.
Publicity for the event was given through charts an,flexes and other media like social networking sites and through sms. The event became more popular when 'The World Of TITAN' came up as the gift sponsor for the event. Advertisement of TITAN were also displayed with publicity medias.
DAY 1:(07/07/10)
The 'CHESS HALL OF FAME' was inaugrated by PRINCIPAL and CAMPUS MANAGER by playing 3 moves of a game. PRINCIPAL, Sir.Abdul Salam and Staff Co-ordinator, RAHUL.C delivered short speeches on the game chess and about the MYC club. Schedules were displayed for the contestants and game between 50 students were conducted. There were viewers about 250 + the students excluding the contestants.
DAY 2,3,4,5:(08,12,13,14 /07/10)
Matches were carried out as per the schedules. Viewers and support added as the publicity increased. After the fifth day based on points level fixtures for the final 10, the 'HALL OF FAME' were selected. These 4 days were having moderate level of viewers, about 150 + people.
DAY 6:(15/07/10)
Grand Finale:
Auditorium was so arranged that the finalists were to play their game above the stage. And the match for the first position was shown live with projector. The final event was occupied by 350+ students excluding the contestants. PRINCIPAL was the chief guest. He delivered a speech appreciating the organizing of the event and also added that he is looking forward for a season-2 of the same next year. He also thanked the gift sponsors 'The World Of TITAN'. After the speech MYC student co-ordinator, SREEHARI.D delivered a felicitation speech. Principal congragulated by shaking hands with the finalists. Each and every moves of the final game were observed keenly by the viewers and the match end up at 6:50pm ending the final game.
The whole event was conducted and Hosted jointly by
the teams, SPYKONS & LUMIERE
Still to be updated!! please be patient
it's done! :)
winners list uploaded soon!
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